Here's a little back story for this contest. You all know that I am recently in remission. Before that though I was doing chemo for 2 years! Yuck!
It's very hard to stay healthy and get all the nutrients you need when you are doing chemo, not only does the chemo do harm to your body, but you also have no appetite. While I was going through chemo I also was dealing with a nutritionist who had me start drinking Vega shakes and smoothies. Vega is a nutritionally complete power food that also happens to be vegan, so it was perfect for me. Lucky for me I LOVE the taste of it too, so I went through tons of it!
Well now I need your help to win the Vega Smoothie contest! I really really want to win this contest, so I need all your votes.
In order to say thanks for voting for me I am going to give away a $100 Gift Card to the store of your choice! Here are the details:
MAIN ENTRY: Go to and cast your vote for me to win (you'll have to make a log in, but hey it's worth it!) Pay attention to which vote # you are. Then come back here and leave a comment saying that you voted and which vote # you were. **If you vote more than once per day (i.e. with your email and your hubby's email etc.) leave each vote number... ALL votes count as one entry here!!! Don't forget to leave me your email address so that I can contact you if you win! (1 ENTRY DAILY PER VOTE)
BONUS ENTRY: Tweet about this contest and post the link to your tweet here. (1 ENTRY DAILY) You can use this tweet if you like:
Win a $100 Gift Card at Ends Aug.15, easy daily entry! @Natr_nVideoGamz #Contest #Win #Giveaway RT
You can vote once per day per log in, so make sure you vote daily and get your spouse/kids/etc. to vote too! Open to US and Canadian residents.
I'm running this contest until August 15th, so you've got time to get lots of votes in and increase your chances of winning! And not only that, every time you vote you get entered to win a $95 Vega prize directly from the Vega contest too!
Now start voting :)
Surviving and Thriving
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Friday, June 11, 2010
proactiv giveaway!
When I was a teenager I had bad skin. Didn't we all? It was embarassing and a real self-esteem killer. As I got older my acne disappeared, but my oily skin stayed. Even to this day I have very oily skin.
I remember as I was getting older (even through my 20's) my mom would tell me that I would "grow out of it" one day, and not to worry. But it just didn't happen. Don't get me wrong, having oily skin helps keep wrinkles away, which has contributed to my skin looking younger than it actually is.... but I don't want it to look teenager young! Between that and the braces I feel like I should grab a napsack and head back to highschool (do they even still use napsacks in high school, or does everyone have laptops now? lol. I don't know anymore.)
When I was given the Proactiv system to review, I really didn't think there was much it could do for me. I don't have acne, just very oily skin and very large pores that I've had since I was about 13. For the sake of reviewing it I thought I'd give it a try anyway to see how well the system worked as a general cleanser.....
.... WOW! I am in shock! My huge pores that have been my arch enemy since my early teens are so much smaller! My skin hasn't looked this good since.... well my skin has never looked this good! I really thought Proactiv was only for acne, but I am simply amazed at what it has done for my "mature" oily skin. I'm hooked now.
It's so nice to be able to feel better about my skin without having to pay an expensive visit to the dermatologist. As a 30-something woman I really thought that at this point I was stuck with the skin I had and that the best I could do was to try and prevent wrinkles, but I was wrong. I am so thrilled to have tried this. I am not sure how well it would help a 30 something person with dry skin or normal skin, but if you have oily skin try it out (and let me know what you think)! I love this stuff.
To celebrate my new found love of Proactive (lol) I am giving away a 1oz. tube of the Proactiv Solution Refining Mask. It refines skin tone and texture, clears up blemishes, and helps reduce the appearance of pore size. It is also good for emergency blemish treatment.
Giveaway ends July 2nd at 11:59pm. Open to US and Canadian residents. Please remember to leave your email address so I can contact you if you win.
-For your main entry leave a comment telling me why you would like to try the Refining Mask, OR tell me why you love Proactiv. This MUST be done before any other entry.
Don't forget to leave your email address so I can contact you if you win. (1 ENTRY)
-Enter my $100 Gift Card Giveaway here and come back here and leave a comment with which vote number you were (don't forget to leave your comment in the other giveaway as well) (2 ENTRIES PER DAY!!)
-Tweet about this giveaway and come back here and leave me the link to your tweet (1 ENTRY PER DAY)
I remember as I was getting older (even through my 20's) my mom would tell me that I would "grow out of it" one day, and not to worry. But it just didn't happen. Don't get me wrong, having oily skin helps keep wrinkles away, which has contributed to my skin looking younger than it actually is.... but I don't want it to look teenager young! Between that and the braces I feel like I should grab a napsack and head back to highschool (do they even still use napsacks in high school, or does everyone have laptops now? lol. I don't know anymore.)
When I was given the Proactiv system to review, I really didn't think there was much it could do for me. I don't have acne, just very oily skin and very large pores that I've had since I was about 13. For the sake of reviewing it I thought I'd give it a try anyway to see how well the system worked as a general cleanser.....
.... WOW! I am in shock! My huge pores that have been my arch enemy since my early teens are so much smaller! My skin hasn't looked this good since.... well my skin has never looked this good! I really thought Proactiv was only for acne, but I am simply amazed at what it has done for my "mature" oily skin. I'm hooked now.
It's so nice to be able to feel better about my skin without having to pay an expensive visit to the dermatologist. As a 30-something woman I really thought that at this point I was stuck with the skin I had and that the best I could do was to try and prevent wrinkles, but I was wrong. I am so thrilled to have tried this. I am not sure how well it would help a 30 something person with dry skin or normal skin, but if you have oily skin try it out (and let me know what you think)! I love this stuff.
To celebrate my new found love of Proactive (lol) I am giving away a 1oz. tube of the Proactiv Solution Refining Mask. It refines skin tone and texture, clears up blemishes, and helps reduce the appearance of pore size. It is also good for emergency blemish treatment.
Giveaway ends July 2nd at 11:59pm. Open to US and Canadian residents. Please remember to leave your email address so I can contact you if you win.
-For your main entry leave a comment telling me why you would like to try the Refining Mask, OR tell me why you love Proactiv. This MUST be done before any other entry.
Don't forget to leave your email address so I can contact you if you win. (1 ENTRY)
-Enter my $100 Gift Card Giveaway here and come back here and leave a comment with which vote number you were (don't forget to leave your comment in the other giveaway as well) (2 ENTRIES PER DAY!!)
-Tweet about this giveaway and come back here and leave me the link to your tweet (1 ENTRY PER DAY)
Thursday, May 27, 2010
a busy month.... and my new friend!
It's been a very busy few weeks for me! I've been working sooooooo hard on my yard preparing it for summer. My yard is very big (274' long), and all I have to use at the moment is a weed whacker (that only reaches about 1/4 of the way down the yard since it is electric and that's as far as the cord goes), and a manual push mower... that doesn't actually cut weeds or anything thicker than grass. I also have 2 huge 100+ year old oak trees, a pine tree and several other random trees... all of which love to drop branches and limbs into the yard that I need to pick up before I can mow. Craziness.
At least I am getting some very good exercise doing all of that! Plus I have taken on some yard clean up jobs in the neighborhood to make a little extra money on the side. Little do they know that I LOVE being outside, so it really doesn't feel like work to mow someones lawn or clean up after their doggies.
Since I have been spending so much time outside I ended up making a new friend! I haven't picked a name for him yet, but he has certainly taking a liking to me. He is a cute little Robin (I joked to my husband that the is my new "breast friend" since he is a robin red breast.... I guess it wasn't funny since I just got some major eye rolling from him in return lol). Every time I go out to do yard work he is right there with me. Whether I'm mowing or cutting branches or raking he's right there, only a few feet away. I love it!
I had to post a few pictures because he's such a cutie. Don't mind the weeds, these pics were taken at the beginning of my yard clean up adventures. I've draw circles around him in some of the pics so he's easier to spot.

And here's a video that I thought was cute. He was apparently trying to see just how many worms he could fit into his mouth at one time.
At least I am getting some very good exercise doing all of that! Plus I have taken on some yard clean up jobs in the neighborhood to make a little extra money on the side. Little do they know that I LOVE being outside, so it really doesn't feel like work to mow someones lawn or clean up after their doggies.
Since I have been spending so much time outside I ended up making a new friend! I haven't picked a name for him yet, but he has certainly taking a liking to me. He is a cute little Robin (I joked to my husband that the is my new "breast friend" since he is a robin red breast.... I guess it wasn't funny since I just got some major eye rolling from him in return lol). Every time I go out to do yard work he is right there with me. Whether I'm mowing or cutting branches or raking he's right there, only a few feet away. I love it!
I had to post a few pictures because he's such a cutie. Don't mind the weeds, these pics were taken at the beginning of my yard clean up adventures. I've draw circles around him in some of the pics so he's easier to spot.

And here's a video that I thought was cute. He was apparently trying to see just how many worms he could fit into his mouth at one time.
And of course I had to add this cute pic of my one of my bunnies (named Bunny) using another of my bunnies (named Alistair) butt as a pillow.
If anyone has any suggestions on what I should call the robin let me know :) I'd like to stop calling him "that robin that follows me around" lol.
Monday, May 3, 2010
the wedge - finally comfortable sex! & $25 eden fantasys giftcard giveaway!
For those of you that have never been through it, let me tell you that chemotherapy sucks. Not only does it make you physically exhausted, it causes pain, and of course kills your sex drive..... and those side effects don't stop when you go off the chemo. They can last for months, even years. Blarg! Talk about taking the romance out of a relationship.
Of course as all of you fellow mom bloggers out there know, pregnancy and child birth can also have detrimental effects to your sex life, as can mommyhood in general....
Which brings us to The Wedge! I was fortunate enough to get this product to review through The Wedge is a position pillow that helps out immensley during sex. Basically it is a large (much larger than I expected) inflatable triangular wedge. It comes with a very nice soft (suede feeling) red cover, and a bright yellow foot pump to blow it up (good thing, I'm sure if you tried to blow it up manually you'd probably keel over). My first word of advice with the wedge is to use the pump to blow it up in advance. Although it only takes a minute or two to inflate, the pump makes this ridiculous whistling sound when you use it.. not too loud, but I'm sure it would be a mood killer in the heat of the moment. So do yourself a favor and try to anticipate your activities ahead of time ;)
I know nobody wants TMI about my own personal experience with it, so I'll try my best not to offend. I love the wedge! My hubby (and I'm certain that many of you ladies out there can relate to this), like the "view" when I'm bent over. He prefers this position for sex, for oral (him giving), etc... ok so I'm not doing to good with the TMI thing ;) The reason it's important to let you know that though is that being in that position is very difficult for me. It gets exhausting quickly, and physically is a hard position for me to hold for any length of time because I'm still lacking strength from the chemo. This is where my wedge has been a miracle worker. Because of the shape of the wedge it is the perfect height for you to lean over and be completely supported. It can hold all your weight, and it is very firm when inflated, so you feel totally secure. Then you are free to relax and enjoy yourself, you don't have to worry about holding yourself up, or your legs getting tired, or losing your balance and potentially breaking your hubby's parts ;)
Something I have found with the wedge though, is that it's not just for sex! It's so comfortable to lay on while reading in bed, or watching TV. Like I said it gives way more support than pillows do. I can see it being useful for other things as well... resting your pregnant belly on.... holding your hips up after "doing the deed" when you're trying to conceive... it's really very handy to have! Also, the price is fantastic when you compare it to the prices of other sex pillows and supports. I love that it's inflatable too, it makes it easy to store away, or take it with you on vacation (it even comes with patches in case you were to somehow pop a hole in it, but it is very thick strong material so I think it's unlikely that would happen, especially with the cover on).
Now it's your chance to check out Eden Fantasys! They have been generous enough to provide me with a $25 gift card to give away to one of my lucky readers! You can use it for sex toys, or lingerie, or massage oils, or candles... anything you want that they sell! Doesn't have to be something dirty :)
For your main entry, it's easy! Just leave a comment below telling me that you'd like to win! Don't forget to leave your email address so I can get in touch with you if you win! This entry must be done first before any bonus entries!! I'm going to run the giveaway until May 21st winner will be chosen by
For bonus entries (you must also leave your email so I can get in touch with you if you win):
- Follow me on Google Friend Connect (1 entry)
- Follow my other blog Happiness is Nature and Video Games (1 entry)
- Follow me on Twitter (1 entry)
- Tweet about this giveaway and post the link to your tweet, you can use this if you like (1 entry daily):
RT Enter to #win a $25 gift card from Eden Fantasys! @Natr_nVideoGamz #giveaway #contest
Of course as all of you fellow mom bloggers out there know, pregnancy and child birth can also have detrimental effects to your sex life, as can mommyhood in general....
Which brings us to The Wedge! I was fortunate enough to get this product to review through The Wedge is a position pillow that helps out immensley during sex. Basically it is a large (much larger than I expected) inflatable triangular wedge. It comes with a very nice soft (suede feeling) red cover, and a bright yellow foot pump to blow it up (good thing, I'm sure if you tried to blow it up manually you'd probably keel over). My first word of advice with the wedge is to use the pump to blow it up in advance. Although it only takes a minute or two to inflate, the pump makes this ridiculous whistling sound when you use it.. not too loud, but I'm sure it would be a mood killer in the heat of the moment. So do yourself a favor and try to anticipate your activities ahead of time ;)
I know nobody wants TMI about my own personal experience with it, so I'll try my best not to offend. I love the wedge! My hubby (and I'm certain that many of you ladies out there can relate to this), like the "view" when I'm bent over. He prefers this position for sex, for oral (him giving), etc... ok so I'm not doing to good with the TMI thing ;) The reason it's important to let you know that though is that being in that position is very difficult for me. It gets exhausting quickly, and physically is a hard position for me to hold for any length of time because I'm still lacking strength from the chemo. This is where my wedge has been a miracle worker. Because of the shape of the wedge it is the perfect height for you to lean over and be completely supported. It can hold all your weight, and it is very firm when inflated, so you feel totally secure. Then you are free to relax and enjoy yourself, you don't have to worry about holding yourself up, or your legs getting tired, or losing your balance and potentially breaking your hubby's parts ;)
Of course this isn't the only position the wedge helps with, it's just the one that has come in the most useful for us personally. There are many other positions that it helps with, that both increase comfort, and the view of the events taking place... trust me this is much more comfortable to prop yourself up on than a bunch of pillows. It's soft like pillows, but with way more support! Don't worry The Wedge does come with instructions and pictures that show different postions and uses to help you out.
Something I have found with the wedge though, is that it's not just for sex! It's so comfortable to lay on while reading in bed, or watching TV. Like I said it gives way more support than pillows do. I can see it being useful for other things as well... resting your pregnant belly on.... holding your hips up after "doing the deed" when you're trying to conceive... it's really very handy to have! Also, the price is fantastic when you compare it to the prices of other sex pillows and supports. I love that it's inflatable too, it makes it easy to store away, or take it with you on vacation (it even comes with patches in case you were to somehow pop a hole in it, but it is very thick strong material so I think it's unlikely that would happen, especially with the cover on).
Now it's your chance to check out Eden Fantasys! They have been generous enough to provide me with a $25 gift card to give away to one of my lucky readers! You can use it for sex toys, or lingerie, or massage oils, or candles... anything you want that they sell! Doesn't have to be something dirty :)
For your main entry, it's easy! Just leave a comment below telling me that you'd like to win! Don't forget to leave your email address so I can get in touch with you if you win! This entry must be done first before any bonus entries!! I'm going to run the giveaway until May 21st winner will be chosen by
For bonus entries (you must also leave your email so I can get in touch with you if you win):
- Follow me on Google Friend Connect (1 entry)
- Follow my other blog Happiness is Nature and Video Games (1 entry)
- Follow me on Twitter (1 entry)
- Tweet about this giveaway and post the link to your tweet, you can use this if you like (1 entry daily):
RT Enter to #win a $25 gift card from Eden Fantasys! @Natr_nVideoGamz #giveaway #contest
This product was provided free of charge to the reviewer. |
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
better than the real thing!
I recently had the pleasure of trying out Revlon's Beyond Natural professional eyelashes. A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!!!
I am so thrilled with them! I was lucky enough to not lose my hair when I did chemo, but it did thin out, and so did my eyelashes. I couldn't believe what a difference it made to put the Revlon ones on! My lashes looked so long and full, it's amazing. Actually, they looked better than they ever have, even before the chemo.
I was able to try a few different kinds. Some of them you put on with glue, which sounds scary but it's really quite easy. You just apply a thin bead of glue to the lashes (the false ones, not your own) and then gently press the lashes on to your existing lashline (they come with the glue). The others come with adhesive strips, so no gluing needed, which would be a bonus to those of you who have lost all of your lashes due to chemo because the adhesive strip just sticks right to your eyelid, and may work a little easier than the liquid glue. I did find though that the ones that use the liquid glue lasted a bit longer than the ones with the adhesive strip.
In any case, just stick them on and ... Voila! Move over Betty Davis! You'll be looking better than ever in less than 30 seconds!
Removing them was a breeze too. Just gently pull from one corner. I make sure I'm extra gentle when I take them off, that way I am able to reuse them a few times. Then just use a little eye make-up remover or facial cleanser to get the glue or any residual adhesive off.
I love that these lashes make me feel beautiful when I'm wearing them, which is a rare thing when you're recovering. Of course their not just for cancer patients! These lashes make everyone's eyes look fantastic. They also come in so many varieties, some are longer, some are shorter, some are intensifying, some are volumizing, some are defining. I've tried out a few kinds, and I'll wear a different set depending on what I'm doing, or the look I'm going for.

I'm SUPER excited to be able to let you try them too! I'm giving away two packages of Revlon Beyond Natural or Fantasy Lengths lashes each to 2 lucky people!
Here's how to enter:
MAIN ENTRY: Follow me on Google Friend Connect (right hand tool bar) AND leave a comment under this post. Don't forget to leave your email address so that I know how to contact you!
BONUS ENTRIES: You can get bonus entries by doing the following, but don't forget you MUST do the main entry first. Don't forget to leave your email address.
I was able to try a few different kinds. Some of them you put on with glue, which sounds scary but it's really quite easy. You just apply a thin bead of glue to the lashes (the false ones, not your own) and then gently press the lashes on to your existing lashline (they come with the glue). The others come with adhesive strips, so no gluing needed, which would be a bonus to those of you who have lost all of your lashes due to chemo because the adhesive strip just sticks right to your eyelid, and may work a little easier than the liquid glue. I did find though that the ones that use the liquid glue lasted a bit longer than the ones with the adhesive strip.
In any case, just stick them on and ... Voila! Move over Betty Davis! You'll be looking better than ever in less than 30 seconds!
Removing them was a breeze too. Just gently pull from one corner. I make sure I'm extra gentle when I take them off, that way I am able to reuse them a few times. Then just use a little eye make-up remover or facial cleanser to get the glue or any residual adhesive off.
I love that these lashes make me feel beautiful when I'm wearing them, which is a rare thing when you're recovering. Of course their not just for cancer patients! These lashes make everyone's eyes look fantastic. They also come in so many varieties, some are longer, some are shorter, some are intensifying, some are volumizing, some are defining. I've tried out a few kinds, and I'll wear a different set depending on what I'm doing, or the look I'm going for.
I'm SUPER excited to be able to let you try them too! I'm giving away two packages of Revlon Beyond Natural or Fantasy Lengths lashes each to 2 lucky people!
Here's how to enter:
MAIN ENTRY: Follow me on Google Friend Connect (right hand tool bar) AND leave a comment under this post. Don't forget to leave your email address so that I know how to contact you!
BONUS ENTRIES: You can get bonus entries by doing the following, but don't forget you MUST do the main entry first. Don't forget to leave your email address.
- Follow my other blog Happiness is Nature and Video Games for 3 entries!
- Follow me on Twitter Natr_nVideoGamz for 1 entry!
- Tweet about the giveaway daily and leave a comment here with a link to your tweet for 1 entry per day!
- Blog about the giveaway and leave a comment with a link to your entry for 5 entries!
- Enter my Stephen King book giveaway The Wastelands HERE for 1 entry!
welcome to the twilight zone
Okay, I've made this new blog because my other blog (Happiness is Nature and Video Games) is getting too many personal posts in it. I want to keep it focused on books, video games, the nerdy/geeky side of me ;)
So that brings us to this shiny new blog. A place to put my musings on mom stuff/cancer stuff/ health and beauty stuff, etc. Also a much more appropriate place for some of the super awesome items that I have here to review and give away! There might be a few parallel posts for a bit on both blogs while I'm making the change, so sorry for bringing people into the twilight zone. I just like to have my stuff organized, know what I mean?
Thanks for joining me over here too, I really appreciate it :)
So that brings us to this shiny new blog. A place to put my musings on mom stuff/cancer stuff/ health and beauty stuff, etc. Also a much more appropriate place for some of the super awesome items that I have here to review and give away! There might be a few parallel posts for a bit on both blogs while I'm making the change, so sorry for bringing people into the twilight zone. I just like to have my stuff organized, know what I mean?
Thanks for joining me over here too, I really appreciate it :)
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
walking to save women (aka having cancer made me get off my ass)

Within days of finding out I was in remission I walked into Shoppers Drug Mart and saw the pamphlet for the Weekend to End Women's Cancers walk. I picked it up and browsed through it... a 60km walk over 2 days where the proceeds go to finding a cure for breast cancer and gynecological cancers. Hmmm.... I have gynecological cancer.... the walk is on my birthday weekend....
I decide that it can't be simply co-incidence that I just went into remission, this walk is fundraising for gynecological cancers, and it's on my birthday weekend. I bring the pamphlet home with me and promtly sign up for the walk. Then it hits me. The realization that I have just agreed to walk 60km. I don't mind that I've commited to raising a large sum of money for the cause, that I can deal with. The problem is that I've been sick, for a few years now. I've been home. Sitting. Puking. Playing video games
Since signing up though I've been following my coaches advice. Start small. I started out walking 1.5km, then 2.6km, 3.5km, 4km, all in the comfort of my home on my manual treadmill. Then on Sunday I participated in an official training walk for The Weekend. It was a 5km walk around the mall before opening hours, so we even got to do a little shopping with no other people in the mall. That in itself is a fantastic experience, especially if you're like me and can't stand the crazy crowds usually associated with downtown shopping malls.
The 5km itself was just fine. It made me realize that walking longer distances really isn't that hard when you've got something to distract you. Walking on the treadmill staring at a wall makes time drag on for an eternity (although on a side note I've recently realized that I'm talented enough to play my Nintendo DS
Now my problem is that it is soooo beautiful outside, that I want to start walking outside. Plus the coaches said that only walking on a treadmill is not a good idea because you're feet have to get used to walking on pavement. That's all good, I want to be outside roaming around my part of the city... but I have no idea of distance. How am I supposed to know how far I've walked? I thought of thinking of it in terms of time, but I don't know how accurate that would be because what if I slowed down to enjoy something that caught my eye? I really wish I had a better sense of distance. I really have no idea how far things are. If anyone has any advice on this I'd really appreciate it.
Right now I'm off to go pick up some Lego
Oh! Stay tuned, I'm going to be starting a new blog with my home/cancer/health/family posts. Posting about cancer walks on my gaming
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